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For me as the governor, the first thing I will do is to work with the Nigerian police to make sure that all the police station in Anambra state are online and connected to our central call system, so that once somebody calls to inform us of a crime in any part of Anambra through the state's call centre, we can easily call the police station that is near the point of distress.

We are also going to track all the police vehicles in Anambra so that we will have visibility about the presence of the vehicles, where they are, where they are moving and how we can deploy them in the case of a crime. So our state infrastructure in security will be built in such a way that we will harness existing capacities and use technology to improve our capacity to forestall crimes.
There are local vigilante groups all over Anambra state and they have been very helpful, so I think we need to re-think our security system to make sure that all the private security companies in the state, all the vigilante groups in the state are reporting daily about their activities, the names of everybody in that system is known, they are finger-printed, they are occupied in the state. We are going to create Anambra Criminal Database and make sure that everybody that is charged to court in Anambra appears on criminal database, everybody that is arrested in any police station appears on our state criminal database so we can have a watch-list of people and their behaviour pattern to forestall them becoming criminals.
I think that we must go beyond talking about security votes and talking about how much money we give to Nigerian police, to an institutional framework that makes a partnership between the governor as state’s chief security officer and the police as the only body in Nigeria empowered to provide security in Nigeria, working harmoniously to bring about a system that allows our justice system, which is all criminal cases are tried by state court, so we need to improve our capacity to partner with the police, with the director of public prosecution to ensure that we forestall crime and where it happens we manage it and that where criminals are caught they are punished appropriately and that our judicial system will be able to mete out justice.
I am Osita Chidoka
Bia tinye aka ka anyi dozie Anambra.

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