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Nigerian Bishops & Clergymen Rally Support For Buhari's Minister Of Communication, Isa Pantami.

Nigerian Bishops and the clergy under the auspices of the Forum of Bishops and Clergy Council Society of Nigeria has staged a rally in support of the Nigerian Minister of Communication, Isa Pantami who has in a few days, faced criticism from Nigerians over what he said and didn't say.

It was reported in some medium that his boss. President Muhamaddu Buhari had come out in his support after Nigerian started a campaign for his removal from office or his resignation with immediate effect.

Being though that no one resigns in Nigeria, the Minister stayed, only for him to be saved by the President and now, this rally from clergymen from the Christendom who are out to support him to continue to stay in office and as it is right now, this may actually end here. 

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