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EID-EL-FITR: Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar Calls For More Tolerance & Stronger Bonds Of Love And Unity.

Atiku Abubakar.

Former Vice President of Nigeria and presidential aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party in the 2023 election, Atiku Abubakar has called on Nigerians to strengthen the bond of love despite our religious differences, saying love is the prerequisite for binding unity in any diverse society like ours.

In his Eid el Fitr Sallah message to mark the end of the month-long Ramadan fasting season by Muslims, the former Vice President appealed to Nigerians to develop the spirit of tolerance and respect towards one another, despite our ethnic and religious differences.

"We should use religion as an instrument for creating unity, love and harmony rather than using it to feed hate and intolerance, which usually results in needless conflicts. Let's not allow selfish politicians and people of bad faith to divide us and use us as fighting tools for their own sinister agendas," Atiku stressed. 

Speaking on the Ramadan fast, the Wazirin Adamawa noted that "we shouldn't abandon the useful lessons of the Ramadan and we should internalise its lessons instead."

According to him, the Ramadan fast makes us appreciate what it means to go without food and drinks for the whole day, thereby understanding the impact of hunger on millions of poor people.

He explained that the self-discipline created by the Ramadan fast encourages us to show compassion towards our fellow human beings who cannot feed because of poverty.

While wishing Muslims a happy Sallah celebration, the former Vice President called for greater efforts towards interfaith dialogue in order to bridge the communication gap between members of the two religions.

"Let's not associate with people who undermine the efforts towards interfaith dialogue because doing so may create the conditions for extremists to thrive. The agenda of the extremists is to promote hate and bigotry in order to cause confusion. Let's not give them the opportunity to succeed," Atiku added.


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