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Marrying My Wife Ngozi As An Igbo Woman Brought Fulfillment To My Life ---Engr. Hakeem Haruna Says As He Eulogizes His Wife At 60.

Ngozi & Hakeem Haruna.

The 60th birthday of Mrs. Ngozi Haruna, the MD of Gozelle is coming at a time when people didn't know she has had turned 60, even she is shocked at herself that she has reached the 6th floor and even though doesn't look it, she is still very grateful she is 60.

He husband over 30years, Engr. Hakeem Haruna spoke with "Precious Eze's Blog" on why he decided to marry an Igbo lady, being from Edo State and some of the challenges of being her husband for this long.

According to Engr. Hakeem, "For me to have gone to Anambra State from Edo State, means that I love her sooo much much and I appreciate all her contributions in my life as my wife. She has contributed alot in making me who I am right now and at 60 years, I wish her many more years.

She is a very accommodating person, very honest and there are things I am not able to do by myself that she has easily done for me like knowing how to welcome and entertain visitors.

I congratulate her on her 60th birthday, she has been very helpful, even with my siblings and I congratulate and wish her well. Long life, in good health and in prosperity.


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