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Prof. Alexander Bamgbola.

Jesus said several times, "Come, follow me." His was a program of "do what I do," rather than "do what I say." His innate brilliance would have permitted him to put on a dazzling display, but that would have left his followers far behind. He walked and worked with those he was to serve. His was not a long-distance leadership. He was not afraid of close friendships; he was not afraid that proximity to him would disappoint his followers. The leaven of true leadership cannot lift others unless we are with and serve those to be led." – Spencer W. Kimball.


Apostle Prof. Alexander Bamgbola was a leader who zealously served GOD and followed all the leadership principles of JESUS CHRIST articulated above. 

The news of the death of Apostle (Prof.) Alexander Bamgbola, on 30th January 2023 in the United States of America, came to us in ULS as a rude shock. We had visited him several times in the hospital and looked forward to his return to Nigeria after recuperation. 

In 2010, the LORD instructed us to open the African Pastors Network/the University of Leadership and Sound Doctrine; to train African leaders and pastors with the best leadership scholars in the world. With this mandate in mind, we forged essential relationships with Oral Roberts University and other influential leaders in different parts of the world.

To train top leaders in Africa, we envisaged starting with the most prominent African country, Nigeria. To this end, we prayed, and the LORD led us to engage Dr. Bola Adewara as our coordinator. As we shared our vision with Bola, he met Dr. Wale Adefarasin. Upon hearing our vision, Dr. Adefarasin gave us the phone number of Apostle Prof Alexander Bamgbola. At this time, Apostle Prof Bamgbola was the Chairman of PFN Lagos State.

When he heard our GOD-given vision, he prayed to GOD, and the LORD told him to embrace it wholeheartedly. Because of the direction of the LORD, Apostle Bamgbola became the major cheerleader of our organization in Nigeria, inviting and publicizing our leadership programs everywhere in Lagos within and without the scope of PFN.

In 2011, we brought Oral Roberts University and other reputable leadership scholars to our first leadership program in Nigeria at the Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja. At this meeting, we realized the treasure that GOD gave us in the person of Apostle Prof Bamgbola. He continued supporting our vision in his executive capacities as PFN Lagos and CAN Lagos Chairman. 

We observed this man's love for all people, his custom of showering prayers of blessings on others, his fearlessness of forging close relationships with any pastor from any part of Nigeria, and his commitment to furthering any cause that promoted the kingdom of GOD.

Apostle Prof Bamgbola became the ULS Dean for Nigeria through our collaboration with the University of Leadership and Sound Doctrine Chaplains Alumni Association, Nigeria. He received his Professorship of Leadership commendation from our religious leadership institution on 8th December 2015. In addition, he spoke at our USA leadership conferences and participated in the launching of our "Train One Million Pastors on Scholarship Project" at the Dr. Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Under his watch as ULS Dean, many ministers in Nigeria benefited from the University's training programs resulting in the widespread inculcation of Christian leadership principles and sound doctrine in many Church leaders. His hard work, erudition, and cognate Christian leadership experience at high levels and his social reach contributed immensely to the growth of ULS in Nigeria. 

An alumnus of the University of Illinois, USA, and Manchester University, United Kingdom,  Apostle Bamgbola was a multidisciplinary intellectual with solid academic roots in finance, banking, marketing, and business management. After many years of working in the banking industry in the United States,  he rose to the pinnacle of his banking career as the Managing Director of Nigeria -America Merchant Bank Limited, Lagos, and later the Managing Director & Chief Executive of Victory Merchant Bank, Lagos. He retired in 1993. 

Apostle Bamgbola was the Founder and General Overseer of Zion The City of The Lord Ministries Inc., Lagos. He bestrode the Church world in Lagos State like a colossus as he was the Chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria for five years and Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria for six years between 2009 and 2020. As a highly respected man of God, he wielded significant influence in Church and government circles in Lagos State. 

The untimely demise of Apostle Bamgbola has created a great vacuum in ULS Nigeria. Though his exit is very painful, we are comforted that he served God wholeheartedly and is now resting in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will surely be missed by the ULS Faculty and students, and all that knew him very well. 

May God grant his family members the fortitude to bear this untimely loss. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Adieu, a great servant of God, Apostle (Prof.) Alexander Oyewole Bamgbola. 

Submitted on behalf of the ULS International Board and the ULS Nigeria Team by

Prof. Ezra & Dr. Soul Aniebue, Chancellor and President,

The University of Leadership and Sound Doctrine, Las Colinas, Texas, USA.



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